Saturday 21 July 2012

Maybe I should take up boxing

I sit here.  40 years old.  Never been married and no children (that I know of...---  see? it's funny when a woman says it...)  I am not complaining but I am, indeed, in a rotten mood.  For no apparent reason.  Maybe the planets have been out of whack...  the moon phases have been screwey...  maybe I'm just losing my marbles.  I'm picking fights with everyone.  I cry at the drop of a hat.  I despise everything I see or do these days.  I'm tired.  Just tired.
Tired of not living up to my potential.  Tired of looking back on the past and beating myself up for all the mistakes I made.  Like I said...  tired.
So now I'm listening to a bad re-run of some police drama whilst I type this.  I am trying to figure out where to go from here.  I figure a nap is about the next step.  ;-)
Anywhoooo....  wordpress or blogger or typepad?  Wordpress is bothering me but I feel like a child using blogger and I don't want to pay for typepad when I don't feel that I have anything to offer to society.
Ooh!  Gotta go!  I think the police on the tv are about to get the secret bad guy (that was in the second scene of the hour long program...)  Thank Gawd for Mark Harmon!

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