Monday 16 July 2012

Social Media is the Grim Reaper of relationships

So I have a boyfriend.  We've been dating officially for over six months.  He won't change his facebook status to throw my name on who he's in a relationship with.
I know I shouldn't be pissed but I am.
Someone needs to talk me down from the bell-tower right about now.
He changed his status to "in a relationship" back before I was even convinced I was in one....  Now I am finally ready to shout to the world how deeply entrenched I am in this man and all he is about and he doesn't want to share that feeling.
Obviously I automatically assume it's because he's embarrassed or I am just not worthy of telling the world.  I know he's been hurt before and maybe he's still walking on egg shells.  I was ready to give him a key to my house but he's not even willing to tell cyber-space he's with me.  It's a big thing with me.  I know it shouldn't be but it is.  I was going to put his name on my account for 800 people that I barely even know to see but he can't put mine on his with less than 200.
----As I type this I realize how ridiculous I sound.  The man cuts my grass when I'm out shopping for myself.  He buys my cats treats.  He comes to see me at work, helps me close the bar, walks me to my car and sacrifices many hours of much needed sleep.  When he's sick he apologizes.  He brings my best friend and myself food. He sends me surprise flowers at work just because he's thinking of me.  He texts me a "good morning" every day without fail.  He takes care of me and I do believe he loves me.  --I'm not sure why but I think it might be true.  If the fact that he doesn't want strangers to know his business is my only problem, then I am just being ungrateful.
I'm still fairly pissy though.  I am taking it personally and I can't find my fucking Four Agreements book.  ---Not the time to go missing Miguel.  Not the time.....
Serenity now.
Keep calm and carry on.
All of that crappy bullshit sayings to settle me down......
(Wow!  You know it's a kicker when a woman is telling herself to settle down....)  Jeebus.

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